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How at risk is your dog from parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites?

Answer 5 questions to find out

What is your dog’s name?


This quiz highlights the risk your dog faces against the most common parasites. For an individual assessment specific to your dog, please consult your vet.

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1 of 5

Your dog comes into contact with parasites everyday. Find out which parasites are hiding in their favourite spots.

Where do you usually walk ?

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What your dog does at home and who they come into contact with can make them more at risk of parasites than you might think.

What does do at home?

Please select all that apply

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What do they do?




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3 of 5

What your dog does at home and who they come into contact with can make them more at risk of parasites than you might think.

What does do at home?

Please select all that apply

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What do they do?




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It’s likely that your dog has been exposed to the risk of these external parasites:

Learn how well you’re currently protecting :

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4 of 5

Test Your Knowledge about protecting from parasites

Which season do you need to give preventative treatment?

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5 of 5

Make sure is fully protected

How often should you provide flea & tick protection for by using preventative treatments?

Which type of protection do you give ?

Speak to your vet about the best protection for your dog.

external parasite results

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Get personalised results detailing all the parasites comes into contact with. This will be handy to show your vet during your next visit so they can assess any risks and if protection is required. All we need to send it to you is your email.

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Simparica tratamiento contra pulgas, garrapatas y ácaros (sarna)

It is important to choose a treatment that gives your dog sustained protection against fleas, ticks and mites.

We all know and love our own pets, and so we are best placed to spot anything out of character. Knowing what to look for is the best way to prevent and treat any possible pet health problems. If you’re concerned about anything, give your vet a call.


Signs of a skin condition can be mistaken for a parasite infection.

Check your dog for signs of a skin condition

Check my dog

Thank you for taking the time to assess , and we hope we’ve helped you to help them live a more enjoyable life.

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may also come into contact with these parasites:

Check another dog
Simparica tratamiento contra pulgas, garrapatas y ácaros (sarna)

It is important to choose a treatment that gives your dog sustained protection against fleas, ticks and mites.

We all know and love our own pets, and so we are best placed to spot anything out of character. Knowing what to look for is the best way to prevent and treat any possible pet health problems. If you’re concerned about anything, give your vet a call.


Signs of a skin condition can be mistaken for a parasite infection.

Check your dog for signs of a skin condition

Check my dog

Thank you for taking the time to assess , and we hope we’ve helped you to help them live a more enjoyable life.

Flea ../../../assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/Icons/flea.svg Pulgas icon ../../../assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/Icons/flea-purple.svg ../../../assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/Icons/flea-blue.svg Fleas - Found anywhere – other animals, pets, wildlife, park, home. Once flea eggs are laid in the environment, they can hatch later to infest your dog or even bite family members. It’s better for your dog if your flea protection kills fleas before they have the chance to lay eggs since this prevents your home from becoming infested. Check with your vet that you have fast-acting flea protection. Fleas can cause several infectious diseases and flea bite reactions include sores, inflammation and even hair loss. Fleas can also cause tapeworm transmission. Simparica Trio kills fleas before they have the opportunity to lay eggs. Roundworm Gusano redondo icon Roundworm is contracted by eating wild animals as well as from faeces or a contaminated environment, which can be anywhere. Hookworm Gusano de gancho icon Heartworm - When a mosquito bites a dog that’s infected with heartworm it picks up tiny larvae, which it then can spread to other dogs when it bites them. Once in the bloodstream, these larvae mature into adult heartworms. There can be hundreds of adult worms living in the heart and lungs. This causes severe lung disease and heart failure that can be deadly. Just one bite from a mosquito could lead to deadly heartworm disease, that’s why monthly prevention of heartworm is vital for all dogs in Australia. Simparica Trio contains moxidectin, the same ingredient vets prefer for heartworm prevention.(reference) Simparica Trio has been proven to kill 100% of deadly heartworm, even in endemic areas of Australia. Mites /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/earmites.svg Ácaros icon /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/earmites-purple.svg /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/earmites-blue.svg Mites live in your dog’s fur and can cause skin irritations such as scabies and mange, whilst ear mites live in the ear canal. Dogs tend to get infected with mites by coming into contact with other infected pets or from their local environment when out on walks. Mites can continue to live in your dog’s bedding or in carpets within the home, so there is a risk of re-infection. Wash bedding regularly to minimise the risk and use Simparica Trio as a preventative treatment. Heartworm Heartworm icon Heartworm - Dogs can be infected by heartworm through mosquito bites. Heartworm disease can be deadly and 80% of dogs diagnosed do not show any signs or symptoms. . It’s expensive to treat but easy and less expensive to prevent. Lungworm Parásitos pulmonares icon Lungworm can be life-threatening for your dog. Dogs can contract lungworm simply by coming into contact with trails left by infected snails, slugs, frogs and foxes as well as direct encounters. Your dog can suffer from bloating, dehydration, vomiting and diarrhea. Ticks /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/tick.svg Ticks icon /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/tick-purple.svg /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/tick-blue.svg Ticks are most commonly found in long grass and woodland but some varieties are evident in urban areas. They are more frequently associated with transmission of Lyme disease but can also spread Analpllasmosis, Tick-borne enchephalitis, Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis. Simparica Trio is fast acting and kills 5 common types of ticks associated with these diseases.
It’s a common misconception that fleas in particular are only a risk in summer. They’re around all year in most areas even during cold winters! It’s a common misconception that dogs do not need protection in winter. External parasites are still about and active. Dogs need year-round protection, not just autumn, to avoid being at risk from parasites. Dogs need year-round protection, not just spring, to avoid being at risk from parasites. Dogs need year-round protection to avoid being at risk from parasites. Most flea and tick medications are monthly products, though this varies by brand. Speak to your vet or pet retailer about how best to protect your pet. Frequency of flea and tick medication can depend on where you live and the risk to your dog. Speak to your vet or pet retailer about how best to protect your pet. Every 6 months may not be regular enough to give them ongoing protection. Speak to your vet or pet retailer about how best to protect your pet. Protecting your dog from parasites with one annual administration may not be enough to fully protect them from all external parasites. Speak to your vet about your dog’s risk and the best protection. Speak to your vet or pet retailer about how best to protect your pet. Oral protection means your dog can continue to swim and bathe freely. Some topical brands may be less effective as they can be washed from your dog if they swim or bathed soon after application. Check with your vet or pet retailer on which brand is safe and appropriate for your dog's lifestyle.
It’s a common misconception that fleas and ticks in particular are only a risk in summer. They’re around all year in most areas even during cold winters! It’s a common misconception that dogs do not need protection in winter. Parasites are still about and active. Dogs need year-round protection, not just autumn, to avoid being at risk from parasites. Dogs need year-round protection, not just spring, to avoid being at risk from parasites. Correct - Dogs need year-round protection to avoid being at risk from parasites. Flea and tick medication is generally given monthly. Speak to your vet about your dog’s risk and the best protection. Combined medication is available that also protects your dog against worms in a single dose. Some protect for longer than a month. Standalone worming medication is generally recommended four times a year. Most parasite protection needs to be given more regularly than three months. Incorrect. Every 6 months is not regular enough to give them ongoing protection. Speak to your vet about your dog’s risk and the best protection. Incorrect. Protecting your dog from parasites with one annual administration may not be enough to fully protect them from all parasites. Speak to your vet about your dog’s risk and the best protection. Oral protection means your dog can continue to swim and bathe freely. Some topical brands may be less effective as they can be washed from your dog if they swim or bathed soon after application. Check with your vet or pet retailer on which brand is safe and appropriate for your dog's lifestyle.
Correct Incorrect Select location Where do they go At home What do they do? is at risk of out of common parasites is at increased risk of exposure to these common parasites 1 of 5 2 of 5 3 of 5 4 of 5 5 of 5