We all want our pets to live their best life. Taking a proactive approach to their wellbeing means we can catch problems early including skin conditions (such as allergic disease in dogs) or arthritis (stiff or painful joints) in cats and dogs. Being in tune with our pets and knowing what symptoms to look out for can help us give our cat and dog companions an enjoyable future.
Having a clean or having a problem?
Skin irritations (due to, for example allergic disease) shouldn’t stop your dog’s day-to-day activities. It’s possible to diagnose and treat skin conditions like this so your dog can continue being their fun-loving and wonderful self. If you think your dog is scratching too much, it might be worth trying our online assessment to find signs of a problem and then visiting your vet.

They can't hide from the risk of deadly heartworm, fleas, ticks and intestinal worms.
But there is an easy way to give your dog comprehensive protection.
They'd love to dig, but it hurts
Your dog can suffer from arthritis no matter their age, size or breed. In fact, it’s common with over 40% of dogs having it*. Knowing the warning signs can lead to a quicker diagnosis and treatment so that they can lead a better quality of life. If your dog has been slowing down lately or isn't its normal self, try our online assessment to learn what to look out for, then visit your vet.