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Persistent itching is uncomfortable for pets and concerning for you, too. Unfortunately, it’s a common problem, and if you are reading this, we know you want to find out how to help your dog through this.
Parasites, infections, and allergies are the most frequent underlying causes of an itchy dog1, with skin allergies alone seen in as many as 10-15% of all dogs2. This allergic skin disease is what we’ll be focusing on in this blog.
While often there is no cure, there are effective treatments for itchy allergic skin, and attentive pet owners like you are key to successful treatment and management. Book an appointment with your vet when you first spot the signs that your dog might be itchy, and together, you can find out what works best to relieve your dog.
Signs your dog has itchy skin
Unfortunately, our dogs can’t tell us directly that they are itchy, so it’s up to us as owners to look out for signs that something might be wrong. Things that might give you a clue include:
Licking, biting and chewing excessively, especially in one specific area, such as the paws
Rubbing against things
Shaking their head frequently
Scooting their bottom on the ground
These behaviours can then further irritate and damage your dog’s skin, leading to secondary signs such as:
Inflamed, reddened areas of skin
Patches of hair loss
Greasy hair coat
Rashes or scabs on the skin
Unpleasant smell
Brown patches or wet areas on the fur
Finding the cause of your dog’s itching
It’s important to try and work out exactly why your dog’s skin is itchy, and your collaboration for this is paramount. Your vet is the best person to help diagnose the problem, identify the underlying cause of the itch and discussing the best course of treatment, and this process becomes much easier with your help.
Vets tailor their approach to each individual dog, so your experience at the veterinary clinic may vary, but in general, your vet will ask you some questions about the signs of itching you have observed and thoroughly examine your dog, not only looking at the skin and fur but also examining the ears and paws. As well as assessing your dog’s overall health, the vet will likely be looking for signs of common parasites – like fleas and mites – as well as signs of skin infections. In some cases, they will take simple samples that can be examined under the microscope.
If your vet suspects fleas or mites, they will recommend an effective treatment that will quickly get rid of any problematic pests that might be present. Or they will prescribe medication to treat an infection. The good news is that your vet also has access to effective medications that can quickly relieve your dog’s itching and get them comfortable again.
Is it an allergy?
Once your vet has ruled out parasites, like fleas and mites, and skin infections, they will investigate another common cause of itch in dogs - allergies.
For us, mention the word “allergies” and many of us will think of hay fever, characterised by summer sniffing and sneezing. While this is the most common type of allergy for us, in dogs it’s far more common for skin issues to be the main sign – especially itchiness. And this is true whatever the underlying cause. Aside from an allergy to flea bites, skin allergies in dogs are generally caused by one of two things - allergy to certain food(s), or allergy to something in the environment such as dust mites, pollens or grasses.
Finding out which “allergen” is causing your dog's skin issues is a process of elimination and can be profoundly frustrating for us as dog owners.
This is made even worse by the fact that the signs tend to wax and wane, so you may think you’ve cracked it, only for the itching to return a few weeks later.
It’s important to remember though, however tempting, that home remedies are rarely effective, and can even make things worse. Getting on top of an allergic itch needs teamwork between you and your vet. You know your dog, and you will pick up on the slightest sign that things are changing; while your vet is there to help interpret that, even when flare-ups occur, and prescribe the most appropriate and effective medications.
Getting the right medication and management options for your dog is what will make the difference between ongoing discomfort and frustration (for everyone concerned!), and stopping the itch, keeping your dog (and you) comfortable throughout the journey.
Is my dog allergic to fleas?
Fleas can make any dog feel itchy, but were you aware that many dogs are actually allergic to the flea’s saliva? In these cases, even a very small number of fleas (you might not have even noticed them) can make the dog feel incredibly itchy and uncomfortable.
Your vet has the experience and tools to recognise this problem and can provide effective treatments to treat the fleas. Killing the fleas is the first critical step, but keep in mind that it can take some time for the itchy, uncomfortable feeling they have left behind to settle. In this situation, your vet can prescribe an effective treatment to quickly stop the itch and get your dog comfortable while the effects of the flea allergy settle.
Food allergy
Allergic skin disease in dogs can occasionally be caused by their food. However, food allergies are not the most common cause of itchy skin in dogs. Of all the dogs with allergic skin disease, food allergy is a factor in around 20%3. This means that only about 4% of the total dog population globally has itchy skin because of a food allergy. Beef, dairy, chicken, wheat and lamb are recognised as the most common food ingredients associated with allergic skin disease in dogs4.
Once again, your vet is the best person to guide you through the process of diagnosing a food allergy.
Environmental allergy
Once other causes of itch have been eliminated, if your dog is still experiencing itchy skin, it’s likely that they are suffering from itchiness due to environmental allergens.
Environmental allergens include things like pollens, moulds and house dust mites. Whereas humans tend to sneeze, wheeze and get itchy eyes in response to these allergens, our pet dogs tend to suffer from itchy skin.
What about dry skin?
Yes, it is true that dry skin – due to genetics, over-bathing, or a diet that for some reason is deficient in essential fatty acids – can be a cause of itching. However, it’s rarely the only, or even the most important cause. Your vet will have to rule out the more common options first before looking for rarer conditions like this. However, there’s never any harm in making sure that you’re using a dog-safe sensitive shampoo and feeding a fully balanced and complete diet.
Is there a cure for my dog’s itchy skin?
Unfortunately, itchy skin is complex – making it frustrating for us, and uncomfortable for our pets. And whether or not itchy skin can be cured depends on its underlying cause. However, even if the problem can’t be resolved entirely, your dog’s itchiness and discomfort can always be managed and treated, making them more comfortable (and hopefully you less stressed!).
If your dog is showing signs of itchy skin, it’s important to get it checked out. If you’re not sure whether it’s normal or not, give the Derm Dog checklist a go, and see what it says!
Itching and scratching are uncomfortable for your dog and can lead to more serious complications if untreated. Luckily, there are effective treatment options available to control their allergic itch and help maintain a good quality of life – for your pet and for you.
Gedon, N.K.Y., Mueller, R.S. Atopic dermatitis in cats and dogs: a difficult disease for animals and owners. Clin Transl Allergy 8, 41 (2018).
Chesney CJ. (2002) ‘Food sensitivity in the dog: a quantitative study.’ J Small Anim Pract. 43:203–7
Mueller, R., Olivry, T. & Prelaud, P. (2016) ‘Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals(2): common food allergen sources in dogs and cats.’ BMC Veterinary Research 12(9)
Is your dog searching for a source of comfort from a skin condition?
The signs of an allergic skin condition can be subtle or easily mistaken for normal behaviour. It may also seem like something that will eventually disappear by itself. But a skin condition can be really uncomfortable for your dog.