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Dogs with arthritis can have good days and bad days, much like their human counterparts, and with any chronic condition there may be days where your dog experiences a flare up (sudden re-appearance of their signs) and these need to be managed to keep your dog as comfortable as possible.

What does an arthritis flare up look like?
When dogs experience a flare up, they can't tell us they are in pain. Instead, they try to show us with changes in their behaviour. It is important that we can recognize these changes as potential signs of pain.
Arthritis flare up signs to look for in your dog include:
- Are they more irritable than normal or quieter in general? This can indicate increased joint discomfort.
- Sudden increase in discomfort or swelling of a joint; if a joint seems to be causing more pain, it could indicate an exacerbation of an existing problem or a new problem. Contact your veterinary team if you notice a change to the joints.
- Increased limping: dogs with arthritis will often exhibit a degree of altered mobility but always keep an eye out for changes or worsening of signs.
- Decreased activity: if your previously enthusiastic dog declines a walk, this should be a major indication that something is bothering them.

What can I do?
The first thing to do if you notice any of these signs is to contact your vet. They will be able to assess your dog and prescribe appropriate medication as required.
Ensure they have a comfortable and accessible place to rest. Bedding should be supportive; all dogs appreciate a comfortable bed, but it is a must have for those with arthritis. Check how springy it is by placing your hand on it and pressing down as this will mimic your dog lying on it and gives a good idea of how it responds to weight bearing.
If your dog is experiencing an arthritis flare up, rest them for a few days until it settles down. This may mean a few days of only going out for a few minutes at a time on a leash. When you do start reintroducing exercise, build this back up to their normal levels gradually to ensure they are able to cope with this.
In summary, arthritis flare ups are not an uncommon occurrence, but like a chronic condition of any kind, we do want to minimize them as much as possible. This includes paying attention to exercise levels, not over-exerting your dog and ensuring they receive their prescribed medication at the correct dose and the correct times. When flare ups do occur, the tips mentioned in this article can help, but remember that your vet should remain your first port of call for advice.